Senior year doesn't have to be stressful

As a college senior, it is hard to believe that my years of higher education and youthful shenanigans are almost over. It seems as though a few months ago I was moving into my dorm freshman year and embarking on the crazy, wonderful journey of college. Although it will be relieving to be done with classes and homework in a few months, the fear of what comes after makes me want to stay in college forever.

I think one of the biggest stressors for seniors is thinking about the futureespecially life after graduation. Should I go to graduate school? Look for a job? It's hard to think about what's next without getting a huge knot in my stomach. Everyone wants to succeed, but is it worth giving yourself extra anxiety?

Forbes' article, "College Seniors: Why You Shouldn't Stress Out About What's Coming Next," offers useful commentary on why senior year stress is unnecessary. Molinsky suggests that we embrace change and start believing in ourselves. These tips are brief, but provided me much-needed reassurance. I have accomplished so much in college and I should be confident about those experiences!

Although it's important to think about the future, I don't think seniors shouldn't over-stress about the next chapter in our lives. We have made it this far through college and are more prepared for the real world than we think! Let's cherish the last few months of college and enjoy the final moments before true adulthood.


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