Senior year sadness

Senior year is all about lasts: last first day of classes, last finals week, last walk through campus. Graduation is exciting, but thinking about what I'll miss when I leave college is depressing. College really has been the best four years of my life, so how will the real world compare?

"5 Reasons Why Senior Year Is The Most Depressing Year Of Your Life" from Total Sorority Move explains how the year of lasts serves as a sad, reality check. Whether it's questions about your future or unenthusiastic advice from grads, each instance makes you want to stay in college forever.

But we have to move on eventually, right? While it's nice to reminisce on the fun memories we've made in college, we can't get too caught up in the past. We're starting a new chapter of our lives, so let's focus on how great that will be.


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