Thank God it's Thursday

As I plan my schedule for my final semester of college, I'm excited and relieved. Finally I have the first pick of classes, and the freedom is exhilarating. What should I take? Yoga? Painting? Acting?

Regardless of which classes I choose, there's one guideline that each course must fulfillno Friday classes. I've had this schedule for three semesters now, and man, does it feel good. Having class only four days a week is amazing, especially when I need some down time.

Although opting for a three day weekend seems like a no-brainer, The New York Times' "How Thursday Became the New Friday" explains the controversy of having less Friday classes. Seniors especially use the extra day off as an excuse to drink, and the decline of Friday classes leaves thousands of class rooms empty.

Some colleges are retaliating by adding more Friday classes, but is it that serious? I don't see the harm in letting seniors relax for their last year of college. We've struggled through jam-packed schedules, so why not celebrate on a Thursday once in a while? We'll get back to five day work weeks once we reach the real world.


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